Hayrides and Animals
 Many orchards offer entertainment
in addition to
the apples. Hayrides and animals are two favorites. This is
fun for the children and the young at heart. Young and old
line up for hayrides around the orchard. Honey-Pot Hill has
a red tractor and a blue tractor on duty full time through apple
Honey-Pot Hill's animals vary from year to year,
but there always are three little pigs with their houses of brick
and wood. They also usually have a goat, a sheep, a heifer,
rabbits, ducks and bright-colored chickens.
The latest entertainment at
Honey-Pot is the maze. For several years it's been a pet
project to grow the hedges, and finally in 1999 they were
ready. There's even an entrance fee. The human mouse
usually takes about 15 minutes to find his or her way through the
maze to the exit.
This scene at Honey-Pot Hill Orchards shows
people watching the animals and having picnics. On a
weekday, many of these are children with their teachers, having an
educational and entertaining field trip.