Anne's Cape Cod Favorites

Intro | Tours | Maps | Restaurants
Walking | Bicycling | Boating | Sightseeing | Beaches
Brewster | Chatham | Orleans | Eastham | Wellfleet | Truro | Provincetown

Tours and Organizations

National Seashore logo Wellfleet Bay logo Cape Cod Museum logo
Cape Cod
National Seashore
Wellfleet Bay
Wildlife Sanctuary
Cape Cod Museum
of Natural History

These three organizations sponsor special tours, walks, and educational events. Many events cost money and require reservations. The ones I've participated in have all been excellent. This site describes tours with the towns where they take place. For detailed schedules, contact the organizations.

top of page Cape Cod National Seashore

National Seashore Logo Salt Pond Visitor Center
Route 6, Eastham

Provincelands Visitor Center
Race Point Road

When you go to the National Seashore web site, select "Places" from the top menu. There you will find good descriptions of the territory, the trails, and the Visitor Centers. The web site does not show the schedule for tours. Call or stop by one of the Visitor Centers to get a paper schedule of the many excellent boating, hiking, and other events. They will mail a schedule on request. Here's a sampling of tours and special events.

  • Sunset stroll on Nauset Beach, Orleans
  • Tours of Kent's Point, Orleans
  • Exploration of what lives in the tidal flats at Chatham Stage Harbor, Eastham's Salt Pond, Wellfleet's Great Island, and Provincetown's Hatches Harbor and West End.
  • Surfcasting 101 at Salt Pond and Provincetown
  • Morning meadow walk in Eastham
  • Shellfishing demonstration at Salt Pond
  • Canoe trips to many places, and canoe lessons at Salt Pond
  • Walks at Salt Pond include "The Outermost Beach" and "Underseas Mysteries of Nauset Marsh"
  • "Natural Resources up Close" walk looks at how the Seashore manages resources
  • Tour of historic Captain Penniman House in Eastham and Atwood-Higgins House in Wellfleet including a costumed program
  • Lighthouse tour at Three Sisters
  • Campfire on the Beach in Eastham, Truro, and Provincetown
  • "Whooo's Out Tonight" night walk in Eastham
  • Dunes walks in Provincetown and Truro
  • "Life at Truro Highlands" walk and history in Highland Light area
  • Birdwatching at Eastham and Provincetown
  • Monday Morning Hiking Club, trips of 3-5 miles at different places
  • Historical walking tour of Provincetown (with Pilgrim Monument)
  • Open house and historic drill at Old Harbor Life-Saving Station.

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Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Wellfleet Bay logo Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Massachusetts Audobon Society
291 Route 6 (just past Eastham)
South Wellfleet

The sanctuary web site has complete tour and trail information. It will send a schedule of events upon request and you can pick up a schedule at the sanctuary. Here's a sampling of tours and special events.

  • Chatham Seal cruises
  • Nauset Marsh cruises including special cruises for birders and families
  • North and South Monomoy Island tours including special tours for birders
  • Chatham South Beach special birding walks
  • Chatham North Beach family hike
  • Cape Cod Bay Marine Life cruise
  • Canoeing trips in a variety of waters from Brewster to Provincetown, including a few twilight and full moon canoe trips.
  • Evening bayside talks at the sanctuary
  • Many family and children's programs at the sanctuary

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Cape Cod Museum of Natural History

Cape Cod Museum logoCape Cod Museum of Natural History
869 Route 6A

The museum web site has complete tour and trail information. It will send a schedule of events upon request and you can pick up a schedule at the museum. Here's a sampling of tours and special events.

  • Monomoy Wildlife Refuge cruise, in the waters around Morris Island
  • South Monomoy Island day trips and overnight trip
  • North Monomoy trips
  • Seal cruises
  • Canoe and kayak trips
  • Pleasant Bay marsh cruise
  • Day and overnight trips to Provincetown Race Point
  • Field walks at the museum
  • Many educational, family and children's programs at the museum.